FFV161 Dani the Destroyer vs Paisley Pain Extreme Catfight


This is the fight that just had to happen. Two girls on a collision course to be the top girl of the new class. Both muscular. Both with a mean streak. Both streetfighters. Tempers flare from the start, and throughout. Both girls set out to hurt the other, and they both want to prove who is dominant. A rough, intense brawl with painful hairpulling that ended as tensely as it started. One girl takes over and dishes out the pain. Classic video.


FFV161 Dani the Destroyer vs Paisley Pain Extreme Catfight To say these two dislike each other is an understatement. Both are the new up and coming muscular stars, and both have fought Sammie. Now they can’t wait to get their hands on each other. One girl takes over and hurts the other, in a intense fight with tempers flaring the entire battle. Not to be missed.

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