FFV357 Rose vs Steff Wild Grappling Match


Steff has been practicing and waiting for almost 2 years to get her hands on Rose after their rough live event battle (FFV304) that left Steff with a strained elbow. The 2 clash in what turns into a back and forth submission fight. One girl jumps out in front, but the battle becomes even as the other begins inflict punishment with painful leg scissors over and over. One girl tries to break a leg submission by grabbing toes, and gets a wicked slap to the face as a result. THIRTEEN painful submissions in all, as they go back and forth taking turns hurting each other. A wild fight between Rose the Freshfite veteran and Steff, the up and coming star.


Steff has been practicing and waiting for almost 2 years to get her hands on Rose after their rough live event battle (FFV304) that left Steff with a strained elbow. The 2 clash in what turns into a back and forth submission fight. One girl jumps out in front, but the battle becomes even as the other begins inflict punishment with painful leg scissors over and over. One girl tries to break a leg submission by grabbing toes, and gets a wicked slap to the face as a result. THIRTEEN painful submissions in all, as they go back and forth taking turns hurting each other. A wild fight between Rose the Freshfite veteran and Steff, the up and coming star.